Two years ago we decided to explore the world of American-bred Shetland Sheepdogs. A dog who stood out in our minds from prior trips to the US was the incredible CH Popstar SS of Northern Farm.
After some research and investigation we were able to acquire a tricolour bitch from Kathy Wilkins (Lochlyn) in Georgia named Am CH Lochlyn Going Rogue.
''Palin'' has had a litter here in England from her US mating to the impressive blue dog Am Gr CH Mistybrook's Panda Crossing, and we've kept a blue bitch here at home to grow up. Afterglow Pandora, pictured above, has been shown once as a minor puppy and is qualified for Crufts 2014.
We are thankful to the American breeders who have spoken candidly to us about their dogs, and helped us with this ''undertaking.'' In particular, Tom and Nioma Coen of the world-renowned Macdega kennel have been a great source of knowledge, advice and encouragement.
Now, we are delighted that through the Coen's cooperation we have been able to bring the spectacular ''Hallie'' to the UK in partnership. American CH Hillstone Hallelujah was previously awarded Best of Winners at the prestigious ASSA national specialty as a puppy to finish her title in grand style. Her father, Am CH Macdega Notorious, has been one of America's most successful sires for the past several years, and is himself a son of ''Popstar.''
At four years old, Hallie is not only a real delight to live with, but possesses the elegance, moderation and beautiful head detail so typical of her family. This dynamic 14.5'' girl is as attractive on the move as she is posing in the garden. She will be shown occasionally in Britain and the Continent, and we will hopefully have exciting breeding plans in store for her future.
She is seen here as a youngster in the USA.
We are grateful for the chance to bring such a precious American gem to England, and are excited about our involvement in this lovely breed!